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Edge-side A/B Testing

A/B testing is an important tool for improving the performance of products and services, identifying areas for improvement, and avoiding costly mistakes. Instead of an all-in approach, A/B allows splitting traffic into test and control groups to determine if a hypothesis regarding impact is correct. This process helps identify the best version of a product or feature, so you can make informed decisions using the data collected during the test.

Problems with previous A/B tests

Previously, A/B testing was executed using vendors like VWO or Google Optimize. These products work by using JavaScript to manage the test variations and display the proper variant to the user. These tests were incredibly easy to set up and execute, but unfortunately, the JavaScript approach significantly impacts the user experience and no information is displayed to the user until the test logic has completed.

Edge-side A/B tests

While not as easy to create tests, using A/B logic on the server is more ideal from a user perspective, and that is the approach we should employ going forward. Our approach makes use of a Cloudflare Worker, a <template> tag with data attributes in the application code, and Google Analytics to record the data from the tests.

Moving the logic to Cloudflare allows us to execute the tests after caching has happened and not putting additional stress on our origin server.

Test limitations

Currently, tests are limited to one test per site running at a time. This is a deliberate limitation so there is no overlap between tests that might influence the outcome, and we can be clear what the impact of each variant is.

How to create a test

The test need to be set up on both Cloudflare and in the application code.

Cloudflare setup

Tests are defined in the wrangler.toml file in the cloudflare-edge-performance-enhancements worker. The test is set as an environment variable like this:

A_B_TEST_ID = "subscribe-text"

The A_B_TEST_ENABLED is a boolean value and the A_B_TEST_ID is the name of the test. Each test will divide traffic in a 50/50 split between the control group and the test group.

On the initial request, the user is assigned to a group, and a cookie is set with the test ID and group information. The cookie name/value is assigned in the following format cf-a-b-test=${slugify(A_B_TEST_ID)}-(control|test). The cookie will persist for 2 years from the initial request.

On the server, if you want to see a variant, you need to pass in both the test ID and the group assignment as a query parameter e.g. /?cloudflare-a-b-test-group=test&cloudflare-a-b-test-id=subscribe-text. Note that you cannot manipulate cookies this way; only the UI presentation will change.

Application code

Tests in the application are defined using the <template> element with two specific data attributes, data-cloudflare-a-b-test-id and data-cloudflare-a-b-test-group.

This is what it looks like in the application code for a simple test of call to action text:

<template data-cloudflare-a-b-test-id="subscribe-text" data-cloudflare-a-b-test-group="control">
<a href="#">Subscribe</a>
<template data-cloudflare-a-b-test-id="subscribe-text" data-cloudflare-a-b-test-group="test">
<a href="#">Start today!</a>

Cloudflare will unwrap the template element and keep only the contents, so it will be as if the template element is not there. Assuming the user is assigned to the test group, you will be left with this:

<a href="#">Start today!</a>

You can and should also add GA events to the variations so clicks are recorded, and you can determine the winning variant.

Local development

To assist with local development for the test variations, there is a small JavaScript function that will render the appropriate template based on a query string. If you don't have a query string present, the control variant will be rendered for everything.

/?cloudflare-a-b-test-group=test will render the test variant for ALL templates on the page. /?cloudflare-a-b-test-group=test&cloudflare-a-b-test-id=subscribe-text will render the test variant for ONLY the subscribe-text test and all other tests will get the control variant.

This allows us to have parity between local development and production.

Test clean up

Once a test is completed, please remove all the test code from the application code and replace it with the winning variant. If a test is inconclusive, remove the test code and replace it with a different test or with the control variant.